1. Console cable.
2. Terminal program.
3. Latest firmware.
4. TFTP server.
5. Set static IP on PC ( suggest to set IP
6. Backup configuration.
7. Allow the TFTP flow pass through the firewall.
8. Configure serial port as below value.
Baud Rate: 9600
Data: 8
Parity: none
Stop: 1
Flow Control: none
Formating boot device (Total process takes about 30 Sec.)
Reboot the unit (or unplug and plug the power cord) and interrupt the boot process when "press any key ..." to enter configuration. Press any key and take you into the menu and select "F" to format the boot device. If no error occurred, you can keep on next step to load the firmware.
Installing Firmware (Total process takes about 8.5 minutes)
From the menu, select "G" to download the firmware through tftp server.
1. Input the PC IP set in pre-requirement. (Can be changed when need)
2. Input local IP address for FG. The IP has to be same subnet as PC.
3. Input firmware name in tftp server. (ex:image.out)
4. After firmware has been loaded, save it as default firmware by pressing "D".
The screenshoot as below:
Restoring the configuration (Total process takes about 1 minute and 45 Sec.)
1. Use default account (admin) and password (blank) to logon to the unit.
2. Execute the command " execute restore config tftp FG-FW_20100120.conf"
3. After the configuration has been downloaded, the unit will restart with original configuration.