Delivery Report (EAC)
On Exchange 2013, you can use EAC to track messages with delivery report, but it limited in a mail box with dedicated a sender or a recipient.Get-MessageTrackingLog (Shell)
Or, you can use the shell to trace the message.Get-MessageTrackingLogYou can add more parameters to reduce the out results.
(List most command parameters below, for detail, please refer to MS DOC.)
-Start The start date and time of the date range.
-End The End parameter specifies the end date and time of the date range. Message delivery information is returned up to, but not including, the specified date and time.
-EventId The EventId parameter filters the message tracking log entries by the value of the EventId field. The EventId value classifies classify each message event. Example values include DSN, Defer, Deliver, Send, or Receive.
-Sender The Sender parameter filters the message tracking log entries by the sender's SMTP email address.
-Recipients The Recipients parameter filters the message tracking log entries by the SMTP email address of the message recipients. You can specify multiple recipient email addresses separated by commas.
-ResultSize The ResultSize parameter specifies the maximum number of results to return. If you want to return all requests that match the query, use unlimited for the value of this parameter. The default value is 1000.Example to use parameters:
Search messages that send from to, start date is 2015/04/25, end date is 2015/04/27. EventID is SEND and no result size limited.
Get-MessageTrackingLog -start "2015/04/25" -end "2015/04/27" -EventId "Send" -Sender "" -Recipients "" -ResultSize UnlimitedUse "Format-Table" can customize format of output.
Get-MessageTrackingLog -start "2015/04/27" -Sender "zachary@xxxx.xxxx | ft EventId, Source, Sender, Recipients, MessageSubjet
Out-GridView (Shell)
Of course, add more parameters can reduces the output of result, but still not easy to read shows as command line.There is a new feature comes with PowerShell 2.0 called Out-GridView. It displays the result in a user interface likes original Message Tracking Log Explore in Exchange 2010 or before.
Get-MessageTrackingLog -ResultSize Unlimited -Start “2015/04/27” | Out-GridView